8 Reasons why legalizing Hemp can save the USA, the planet and my Bob Marley collection:
1)Clothing- hemp fiber is longer, stronger and more absorbant than cotton. Back in the day Levi jeans were made from hempen sailcloth so the '49ers pockets o'gold wouldn't rip.
2)Paper- Hemp paper resists decomposition and can be recycled more than wood. So there is no need for a "smoke break" when typing that final paper.
3)Medicine- Marijuana can be used in helping the treatment of glaucoma as well as a nausea reducer for chemo and AIDS patients. Can also be a great cure for the Mondays.
4)Fuel- Hydrocarbons in hemp can be processed into a wide range of biomass energy sources. Take that OPEC !
5)Food- Hemp contains more essential fatty acids than any other source. And the brownies and space cakes make for a great friday snack before a night on the town.
6)Plastic- Yeah, thats right. Hemp can be used in the maufacturing of biodegradable plastic products.
7)Professional Sports- Maybe with weed legalization professional athletes will stop getting arrested for smoking or possessing weed in the dumbest places. Then again maybe this one isnt the best reason. see J R Rider
8)Music-The legalization of hemp can bring about more white reggae stars.
We need a Revolution.
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