Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Award Tour

Thursday, March 6, 2008
The End of an Error

- "Look at him, he's just having fun out there!"
- "He's like a little boy playing a game!"
- "You just can't help but smile when you watch Brett Favre play football."
- "He really embodies that gunslinger mentality!"
- "I want Brett Favre to sire my children!"
So long #4. Corey Webster will miss your perfectly thrown passes.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Go Ahead, Steal Some Music Online…
We all know you want to. Seriously, what are you waiting for? I won’t judge you. How many times back in the day did you have to spend weeks saving up to grab the newest CD (remember CDs?) only to get home, skim over the radio jams (remember radios?), and find a bunch of garbage (remember garbage?).
Nah. Eff that. Go ahead and Z Share the shit out of that new Fiddy single. Chances are, it won’t be released anyways, so you got yourself an online exclusive…exclusive…exclusive…exclusive…
Whoa, sorry, Clue got a hold of the keyboard there for a minute.
Seriously, record companies don’t need more money. How much does a blank CD cost? And how much does putting music onto that blank CD cost? Add that up and do you get $17.99? Best Buy sure does.
Now I’m no businessman (I’m actually a business, man), but these record label suits need to take note of how the whole industry has completely shifted gears. Generation ADD isn’t looking to wait for a whole album to come out when all they have to do is track their favorite message boards for every new single.
By the time we have flying cars, CDs will be obsolete. And that’s a good thing. So long as the industry can tap into that trend before it’s too late, we all profit. Music fans will be able to get music as conveniently as possible and the labels will have an entirely new market to rape and pillage. The music industry should keep up with the consumer. So far, it hasn’t. We’ve come a long way from Metallica hosting a press conference to bitch about Napster.
So fire up that T1 and get to record shopping. Don’t do it for your iTunes library, do it for the future of music. Just don’t tell the ‘em TFT sent ya when Johnny Law comes looking for your hard drive.
PS. Sorry Ghost, nothing personal.
PPS. I downloaded seven new Weezy mixtapes while typing this.
PPPS. They all sucked.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The 3/5ths Compromise

8) If you like to use the "n" word, make sure you can back it up. My motto is, "If you've been called a nigg*r, you can use the word." Use at your discretion.
Go Green

8 Reasons why legalizing Hemp can save the USA, the planet and my Bob Marley collection:
1)Clothing- hemp fiber is longer, stronger and more absorbant than cotton. Back in the day Levi jeans were made from hempen sailcloth so the '49ers pockets o'gold wouldn't rip.
2)Paper- Hemp paper resists decomposition and can be recycled more than wood. So there is no need for a "smoke break" when typing that final paper.
3)Medicine- Marijuana can be used in helping the treatment of glaucoma as well as a nausea reducer for chemo and AIDS patients. Can also be a great cure for the Mondays.
4)Fuel- Hydrocarbons in hemp can be processed into a wide range of biomass energy sources. Take that OPEC !
5)Food- Hemp contains more essential fatty acids than any other source. And the brownies and space cakes make for a great friday snack before a night on the town.
6)Plastic- Yeah, thats right. Hemp can be used in the maufacturing of biodegradable plastic products.
7)Professional Sports- Maybe with weed legalization professional athletes will stop getting arrested for smoking or possessing weed in the dumbest places. Then again maybe this one isnt the best reason. see J R Rider
8)Music-The legalization of hemp can bring about more white reggae stars.
We need a Revolution.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Last of the Russiaslovians
The end is neigh. Early 90s they emerged from behind the iron curtain to conquer the NBA. With names like Vlade, Arvidas Sabonis, Detlef and Drazen, these Ivan Drago’s of the hardwood were not only big, but could Kalashnikov the lights out. (A common downtown Belarus occurrence). Vlade could set the pick and not only roll to the bucket but fade out, get the dime from Magic and bury the mid range j. Their guards were big and mean, Gorbachev’s henchmen. You do remember the 1988 Olympics ?!. Drazen Petrovic would dagger your after party with a 3 at :01 on the clock. Sarunas would hit you with the iron curtain crossover before bullying you to the bucket. Detlef was a workhorse. Yes, Germany counts. Word on the screet spread that these cats were coming for the brothers. But the Moscow Magic would be 7 foot, with a jump shot (not the Magic set shot), and they would take over the league. But alas, this was not to be the case.(Mr. Garnett would soon fix this anomaly in the b-ballers evolution.) Dirk my dude you may truly be the Last of the Russiaslovians.
These cats turned out to be some of the most suspect, softest, slowest, one dimensional assortment of future “euro league scouts” ever. These stiffs are doo doo. Dirk folds in the playoffs. Darko is seven foot and yakov smirnov seems tougher than him. Attention Darko: You are not Dark or Dirk. Get your punk ass down low! Remember Toni Kukoc tried to make people think Jordan was stunting his development? Nenad Kristic: garbage, Jake Tsakalidis =see Dino Radja, Peja means playoff p*ssy in East Slavic, Sasha Pavolic? Zaza Pachulia ? You guys are finished. The sun has set over the hills of Bella Karoli. The czar is dead ! Long live the Chinese, Swahilis, and Puerto Ricans. But if you think Manu and the Ukraines from Spain are the next…remember Vinny del negro.